Resources to help you learn about anti racism, white privilege and things you can do to be a good ally.
Here are some reflection questions to help get you started thinking about anti racism.
Do I truly understand that we live in a racist society and all the implications that that has on Black folx? If not, what is stopping me from facing this fact?
How have I seen my privilege play out over the last few weeks?
Where have I benefited from a system that favors me and oppresses Black folx? How can I use my privilege to bring forth change?
What does being anti-racist mean to me, and do I understand that it comes with a cost? (Spoiler alert: Being anti-racist will require you to stand up and speak up—not just on social media but in more uncomfortable settings. At times, it might require you to give up your comfort for the sake of somebody else.)
This is a small sampling of resources to help get you started learning about race in America. This is a tiny sampling of what is out there.
Local Discussions
Courageous Conversations at Memorial Hall Library
Social Justice Speaker Series ,White Fund Partnership with Lawrence Public Library Contact the library
(There are so many books, this barely scratches the surface… see Professor Kendi’s list, link below for further reading.)
“How To Be An Antiracist”, by Ibram X. Kendi
“Stamped From The Beginning”, Ibram X. Kendi
“Stamped Racism, Antiracism and You” by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
“This Book is AntiRacist” by Tiffany Jewell
“White Fragility” by Robin Di Angelo
“Between the World and Me” by Ta-Neshisi Coates
“When They Call You A Terrorist” by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandeles
“The Color of Law” by Richard Rothstein
“So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo
Anti Racist Reading list from Professor Ibram X.Kendi
Podcasts (there are so many, this is just to get you started)